1.What color did you use to choose t

Name: Stephen Francis___________________________Date: _1.10.11_________ Block: __________
Daily Response Worksheet
Write in Full Sentences.
1. What do you see? Describe what is happening.
People in the park walking and talking.
2. What Colors, Shapes, and Lines?
I see gray, black and white. There are horizontal, curved lines. There are some rectangles in the picture.
3. Use Thesaurus.com to write down 5 expressive words that relate to the image.
Melo, calm, steady, distant (The picture seems like its has been taken at a far distance) normal.
4. Interpret the photograph. What is the meaning of this image?
Calm things may always have something happening to someone.
5. IN A FULL SENTENCE, EXPLAIN HOW this image uses one of the Rules of Composition listed below:
Rules of Composition
· The Rule of 3rds
o Horizon Line in upper or lower 3rd
o Imaginary Grid with the Money Spots!
o Odd numbers are more interesting
· Simplicity
o Clean, uncomplicated backgrounds
o Clear focus on point of interest
· Actual and Implied Lines
o Vertical, Horizontal, Diagonal
o Compositional Triangle
Clean and uncomplicated, horizon line in upper of lower 3rd.