Stephen Francis
December, 16.2010
These are my important and critical producers to get the perfect photograph. You know how to work with lines in the photos, fill the frame with artwork and always change the shooting angles. By the time I explain how these would enhance your photographing skills.
One of the main elements that will always appear in your pictures is the line. The different types of lines are horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines. You will have to learn how to work with the lines in the photo. The lines are found very powerful in the picture that can add dynamic depth.
Also try to fill your frame once and a while. You can use your legs in most photographs; most photographers have built in zoom in to form the legs. To fill the frame you can crop the shots or the other option is to zoom in manually after you’ve taken the shots. Or you can use optical zoom, most point and shoot digital come with a zoom lens.
Try to change the shooting angle most times. If you have distracting elements in the background of a shot but cant move your subject, you can move yourself. Rotating around the object, low to make the sky background or getting up high and shoot down on the object.
To conclude the 2 things that would make you a better photographer is to work with the lines, fill in the frame of the picture and change the shooting angle. These procedures will enhance your shots and the things you know about digital photography. Every picture will be interesting on every point and depth.